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How Henrik Fisker changed the automotive world

The production of Henrik Fisker’s own hybrid car was inspired by Leonardo DiCaprio’s appearance at the Oscars, when the astonished designer discovered that DiCaprio, who is known for being concerned about the environmental situation in the world, came to the ceremony at the Toyota Prius. Henrik decided that famous and rich people who care about their planet should drive brighter and more interesting cars. That’s how he founded Fisker Automotive.

In 2008, the first Fisker concept car was shown. And at the same time, Tesla Motors sued Henrik Fisker’s company, deciding that he had stolen the concept and design of their car. But in court, Fisker proved that his car had nothing to do with what Tesla Motors does and also received compensation for court costs of $1.1 million. Fisker Automotive was even able to get a loan of $528.7 million from the authorities, as well as about $100 million from venture funds and from Leonardo DiCaprio himself. The first production Fisker Karma car appeared in 2011 and Top Gear even called Fisker Karma a 2012 car. And the owner of the first Fisker Karma car was, of course, Leonardo DiCaprio.

Henrik even invented and embodied the lineup, but that’s where this mean shameless karma intervened, which crossed out all plans to transplant the world to electric sports sedans and make it better. The drive of the two-liter Fisker Karma rear sedan, consumption in the city is 2.4 liters per hundred kilometers, power 403 horsepower. Impressive! Isn’t it? When you start the car, the first 80 kilometers it will be absolutely silent and will drive with electricity. It’s great for a daily trip to work! The car is so environmentally friendly that the batteries are recharged not only from the socket, but also in motion from the engine, and most interestingly: with the help of solar panels located on the roof. And everything was cloudless and promising until Hurricane Sandy began, raging in the United States at the end of 2012, which destroyed more than three hundred new Karma cars ready to be sent to customers. And what started here! Immediately information surfaced about the ignition of some cars due to a defect in the batteries supplied by A123. It was said that Karma in production is six times more expensive than the market price and much more. This usually happens when an artist stumbles. Society does not forgive mistakes. Henrik Fisker left the company in March 2013 due to disagreements with the company’s investors and arrears of $168 million on loans provided by the U.S. Department of Energy. After the release of two thousand hybrid sedans, the company went bankrupt and was auctioned to the Chinese. Today Karma Automotive sells the same sedan, but under the name Karma Revero and for $130 thousand.

Meet the $37,500 Fisker Ocean SUV with a declared mileage of 480 km on a single battery charge! A car that looks cooler than Tesla has more space in the cabin and is as much as ten thousand cheaper.