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David Lynch talks about love, sex, dream and about the weather

A year ago, one of the most outstanding directors of our time, David Lynch, received an honorary Oscar for his contribution to the development of cinema. On this occasion, he said the following: “Thanks to the film academy and everyone who helped me along the way,” and then looking at the Oscar statuette: “You have a very interesting face. Good night.”

ABOUT LOVE. “When I finished shooting Twin Peaks, I felt sad. I didn’t want to leave his world. I love Laura Palmer and her contradictions: so shining from above and dead inside. I want to keep seeing her live, move, talk.”

ABOUT SEX: “Sex is very amazing in itself. He’s like jazz. You can listen to the same melody as much as you want, but in different variations. It’s the same in sex. There’s only one melody, and there can be as many arrangements as you want.”