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In a world where speed is equated to money, and human feelings are replaced by business strategies, it is not easy to survive, frankly speaking. Although, if you sincerely love money, and feel warm only near the fireplace with business partners, then you do not need to read further.
The bigocay and insincerity in relations between people have acquired such universal proportions that some apologists of this movement consider any manifestations of humanity with genuine interest in a microscope. It is also wild and incomprehensible for them to come to the aid of others how to drive soberly. Take only what they don’t owe, never do anything for nothing, and most importantly, make other people solve their own problems, or solve them just at someone else’s expense… it’s not for nothing. This is already a form of existence that does not differ in the degree of imprudence and unceremonious ignorance, for example, from the aliens from the film Aliens. And their goal is the same. Destroy all living things, all sprouts of good and light on earth for the sole purpose… In order to get even more and more “air” (as they call money).
Don’t be like that. Our magazine was not for such people
and has never been interesting to such people.
Because it’s not about vulgarity.
And it is made by people who are interested in what they write about.
They don’t care about the crisis because they don’t participate in it!
Treat everything with humor. And especially to what you see around you.

Stas Zgonnik, editor-in-chief 52Magazine